Cargo and Logistic Management

Branch Master

Client Master

Docket Entry

Challan Entry

Arrival Entry

Delivery Entry

Sale Report

Challan Report

Delivery Report

Customer Rate

Billing and Money Collection

Invoice Creation

Collection Invoice

collection Paid/Topay

Billing Report

Collection Report

Party Ledger

Fleet Management

Vehicle Master

Train Master

Flight Master

Vendor Master

Vendor Payment

Payment Report

Payroll Management

Employee Master

Leave Master

Salary Master

Pay Slip

Attendance Report


Accounts Ledger

Accounts Group

Receipts Voucher

Expense Voucher

Contra Voucher

Journal Voucher

Trial Balance

Balance Sheet

Profit & Loss

Ledger Book

Day Book


User Permission

Branch Permission


Docket Entry

Docket Entry

This is Docket Entry you can use it for your Making New Dockets with their details like Bill no. , Payment type, Consigner , Consignee, Weight, Freight etc. and you can set the Item in dockets its have an Item list of various Item if you doesn’t find your Item you can add your item in this list with (+) mark of right side.
You can fix the Consigner and Consignee for the many Dockets the Consigner and Consignee are not change in new docket but other fields are reset in new docket.

Challan Entry

Challan Entry

It is Challan entry its use can use it when you want to create a Challan for lorry, Train etc.

Branch Master

Branch Master

Branch manager is using for creating your new branch for future use, you can also update this, this is very important for your business, you can use the branch in Dockets etc.

Client Master

Client Master

You can use customer master for add new customer in your customer list for save their information like name, address, mobile no, email, GST no. etc

Vendor Master

Vendor Master

Vendor master is use for vendor registration for use in our field like Docket, Reports etc.

Vehicle Master

Vehicle Master

Employee Master

Employee Master

Employee Master here you can register your employee with their name, address, Email ID, Mobile no., Salary etc.

Arrival Entry

Arrival Entry

This is arrival entry and its use when docket is arrival to destination.

Delivery Entry

Delivery Entry

Here you can do your delivery entry by delivered dockets, you can add many docket at one delivery entry

Lorry Hire

Lorry Hire

Stock Entry

Stock Entry

This is the Stock Entry here you can create new stock of Dockets for docket entry.

Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer

Here you can maintain your stock and you can transfer your dockets to other branch’s if they have shortage of dockets.

User Permission

User Permission

The user permission you can set the permission of your user’s for security reason and privacy of software.

Branch Permission

Branch Permission

Invoice Creation

Invoice Creation

This feature very use full for creating invoice for your customer if you wants collect money for them.
You can create invoice by branch wise with branch client.

Invoice Print

Invoice Print

After create invoice you can print this here for hard copy of invoice and you can also export this in other formats like excel, word, PDF.

Paid / Topay

Collection Paid / Topay

Collection is required for collecting of money to your customer’s, You can Create MR when you collect the to your client and see it in collection reports.

Billty Register

Billty Register

The Billty register, this register is show’s all of your Billty/Docket in this register.
You can see all of Billty with their Bill no., P mark, GST, Total, Items, Origin, Destination, Consigner, Consignee etc.

Collection Report

Collection Report

Lory Hire Report

Lory Hire Report

Sale Report

Sale Report

Here is the sales report, you can see the report of all the sales in your company, and export it to any format like Excel, Word, PDF etc.

Stock Report

Stock Report

This is Stock Report You can see the report of stock of your branch, in which you can see Used and Unused docket of your branch.

Gate Pass Report

Gate Pass Report

Gate Pass Report, You can see all report of Gate Pass/Delivery here.
If Docket is delivered this is show it delivered if not this is show it pending.



Here you can track any docket, By tracking, you will find all information of docket like Consigner, Consignee, Weight, Freight, Delivery etc.
